Ludwig von Bertalanffy, German-Canadian biologist and philosopher, is the creator of the general system theory. He is the author of ten books including Robots, Men, and Minds and Modern Theories of Development. He passed away in 1972. 

General System Theory
Revised Edition
by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy
with a foreword by Wolfgang Hofkirchner & David Rousseau

Paperback, 296 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8076-0015-3
$22.95 (Can $27.95)

Gathered here are Ludwig von Bertalanffy's writings on general system theory, selected and edited to show the evolution of system theory and to present it applications to problem solving. An attempt to formulate common laws that apply to virtually every scientific field, this conceptual approach has had a profound impact on such widely diverse disciplines such as biology, economics, psychology, and demography. 

This edition features an illuminating foreword by Wolfgang Hofkirchner and David Rousseau. Wolfgang Hofkirchner is president of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, academician at the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences, and associate professor at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria. David Rousseau is director of the Centre for Systems Philosophy in Surrey, UK, and a visiting fellow of the Centre for Systems Studies at the University of Hull.